Straw Chip Medicated Bedding 100ltr

SKU: 20510200 Categories: , ,


Strawchip is made from wheet straw which is milled. The degree of milling depends on customer specifications.
The straw is milled to improve its working characteristics and performance.
The straw is dusted and treated for mould and bacteria  including salmonella and campylobactor to improve its microbiogical status.
This product is notable for its high absorbency and rapid breakdown after use.


  • As a fibre and forage source
  • As a bedding product
  • As a bulking agent in animal rations


  • Poultry farms
  • Dairy farms
  • Beef lots
  • Equine
  • Small animals and pets

For more information please contact our Hardware Department in
Cork 021 4705 800
Naas 045 888 300

You can also email your query to

Tramore Road, Cork, T12WK59
021 4705800|
Hibernian Salt, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Cork, T23 VH96
021 4559955|
Osberstown Business Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare, W91 EDN7
045 888300|