Cellfast 2 Function Jet Spray-Gun Ideal Line

Cellfast ref 50-730


The Cellfast 2 Function Jet Spray-Gun Ideal Line gives a full and smooth regulation of the water stream.
Sprinkling starts after pulling the trigger which can be also used to regulate the flow strength and to lock the stream.

Cellfast 2 Function Jet Spraygun Product Details
  • Gives a full and smooth regulation of the water stream
  • Sprinkling starts after pulling the trigger
  • Regulate the flow strength and to lock the stream

For more information please contact our Hardware Department at 021 4705800 or email info@iitc.ie

Tramore Road, Cork, T12WK59
021 4705800|info@iitc.ie
Hibernian Salt, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Cork, T23 VH96
021 4559955|info@iitc.ie
Osberstown Business Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare, W91 EDN7
045 888300|info@iitc.ie