Cellfast Ergo Line Multifunctional Spray Nozzle

Cellfast ref 53-310


Cellfast Ergo Line Multifunctional Spray Nozzle is a high-class, ergonomic sprinkler with a non-gradual water flow regulation.
Its legible markings ease the choice of suitable type of water stream which is available as strong jet, delicate mist, and heavy or light shower.
The SAFETOUCH™ system provides a reliable grip and comfort of use while also protecting the product against accidental damages.

Cellfast Ergo Line Multifunctional Spray Nozzle Product Details
  • SKU 53-310
  • Maximum pressure 6 bar (87 psi)
  • Packaging card
  • EAN13 5901828859915
Types of water stream
  • Mist
  • Gentle Shower
  • Strong Shower
  • Strong Jet

For more information please contact our Hardware Department at 021 4705800 or email info@iitc.ie

Tramore Road, Cork, T12WK59
021 4705800|info@iitc.ie
Hibernian Salt, Tivoli Industrial Estate, Cork, T23 VH96
021 4559955|info@iitc.ie
Osberstown Business Park, Osberstown, Naas, Co Kildare, W91 EDN7
045 888300|info@iitc.ie